Sunday, November 1, 2009

No Choice

The story of the Navy Chief reminded me of something. I joined the military under special circumstances, right after September 11th. I was very specific in wanting to serve in combat. I imagine that is what it was like for our grandfathers the day after Pearl Harbor. They knew when they signed up they were headed to war. But what about those that join when there are no major conflicts right over the horizon? There is no galvanizing event that focuses the country's attention and demands certain sacrifices. So why do they join?

This also ties in to others that join the Peace Corps or Teach for America. Why? Because these people join these organizations without having some monumental event crystalizing their sense of sacrifice. There is no one thing that happens that gets them to join these organizations and to volunteer there time.

There is an important point there - why do these people join? Why do they make these sacrifices for others?

I would argue it is because they heard that call, something inside them that drove them to volunteer. They didn't need a terrorist attack or some historical event to awaken that sense of volunteerism inside them.

I would also argue that these people have no choice as to whether they are going to volunteer. That the call to serve or sacrifice is so powerful that people feel compelled to act on it.

SO the question becomes how do we as a nation awaken that same call in all Americans? Maybe, we have to make it so that they have No Choice? Maybe we require it?

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