Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Polls, Same Answers

I just posted a new poll question.  Want to know how many of you think we should "surge" in Afghanistan.  I was actually part of the call up for more troops into Iraq.  So, it's interesting to be on the other end back home as we wrestle with the next course of action in Afghanistan.

Now, rather than get into the pros and cons of each approach - whether a counter insurgency strategy would work better than a counter terrorist strategy - I am more interested in the socialogical aspects of this very public debate.

I wonder, for example, if I went outside right now and asked people on the streets - "What do you think President Obama should do in Afghanistan?" - what kind of reaction would I get?  How many people do you think would even have any opinion at all?  How many of those with opinions would even have informed ones?  How many people could even point to Afghanistan on a map?

The answers, at least to me, are obvious and highlight the disconnect I have been talking about.

How can a nation wage a war when its citizens don't realize or care that it's being fought? 

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