Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Death To The Enemy

Saw Attorney General Holder testify today in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Easily one of the most pathetic performances by a senior government official I have ever seen. The highlight was Senator Graham asking Holder if he could recall any time an enemy combatant was ever tried in civilian court before.

Holder hemmed and hawed and could not produce a single supporting instance. So now we know that the Obama adminstration is setting a precedent for trying terrorists - enemy combatants - in civilian courts.

And, again, what is the reason we are doing this? No one can explain this adequately besides some nonsense about symbolically sending a message to the rest of the world that we have the best justice system in the world.

WHO CARES? Do you think Osama Bin Laden and his sympathizers give care what kind of justice system the US has? Do you think anyone in the world bases their national security decisions upon the soundness of our justice system?

The answer is an obvious NO. No one cares how we try people in our country. And, even if they did, why do we care? Why does it matter how the rest of the world views us? Are we so weak and superficial to focus only on what other people think about us?

Of the course, the answer to this last question is an obvious YES. Americans seem to focus on what other people think rather than what is right and what is wrong. Americans have lost their principles. Instead, moral relativism is the prevailing view of the day. We must understand every one else. We must try to figure out WHY do the terrorists hate us so much. It has to be based on something we did or said. It has to be OUR FAULT!

The reality is that Islamic terrorists hate us not for what we do or what we say - but, rather, for WHO WE ARE!!!!

They despise our way of life, they hate our religions and our beliefs and they will settle for nothing less than our complete destruction.

I suggest we bring that same attitude to the fight against them. Instead of treating terrorists like common criminals we must face the fact that we are at war. We are fighting a global movement that seeks to make Islam the dominant force in the world. That subjugates others against their will. That enslaves women according to their twisted religious beliefs.

Why would we even consider trying to understand this, rather than seeking to completely eliminating it from the face of the earth?

Just look at our country's approach in World War II when faced with the Nazi threat. Total annihilation of the enemy.

I suggest we focus on just that - KILLING THE ENEMY! Not civilian trials. Total destruction of the enemy. Not gavels and lawyers and objections and evidence and consitutional rights.


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